/dev/programmer logo
A collection of programming tips, tricks, guides and explainers.
What are HTTP Proxies, Geteways and Tunnels?
Let's learn about HTTP intermediaries - proxy, gateway and tunnel - to understand how the work.
HD screenshot in headless Chrome and Firefox
Increase pixel density of screenshots via CLI and code
ActiveRecord Optimization - Essential Guide
Learn on 5 areas that can help you optimize ActiveRecord queries and improve your Rails app performance.
How the Browser Builds CSSOM: A step-by-step explanation
CSS parsing explained in 3 steps. From CSS to CSSOM.
Binary Search Algorithm in JavaScript
Learn how to implement binary search - one of the most basic algorithms in computer science.
How the Browser Builds the DOM: A Step-by-Step Explanation
HTML parsing explained in 4 steps: from HTML string to a working DOM.
Is Zstandard (zstd) future of web compression?
Let's look at Zstandard - efficient compression algorithm that soon will be available in our browsers.
How to fix mysql2 gem install errors on Mac
Installation of a mysql2 gem failed on my Mac, so I decided to document what I made to make it work.
Ruby 3.2 fails to install on Mac (RVM)
Spent too much time trying to install Ruby 3.2 with RVM on Mac M1 so I share my solution. Yes OpenSSL was involved.
How to use argv in Node.js
Learn how process.argv in Node.js captures command line arguments and how to use it effectively in your scripts with practical examples.